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Сообщения темы: Морозова Юлия
Морозова Юлия 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Морозова Юлия
2 курс
Пензенский педагогический институт им. В.Г. Белинского Пензенского государственного университета

Do you often look at the sky?
Or appreciate every day?
Meeting friends, you say to them “Hi”,
But be grateful for what you can say.

There’re so many beautiful things,
That surround you everywhere.
Even birds do protect their wings.
Thus, be thankful here and there.

There were lots of wars on the Earth.
Although rivers of tears and blood,
You got the day of your birth
And avoided that awful flood.

You’re able to walk and dance
And feel sunshine above; it’s bright.
Be proud of this very chance
And bow to the men who died.

They died for your lives and smiles –
Thousands and thousands of ranks.
I would give you a piece of advice:
Don’t forget the simple word “thanks”.

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