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Сообщения темы: Яковлева Ирина
Яковлева Ирина 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 1
Яковлева Ирина
10 класс
МОУ "Гимназия г.Раменское"
Московской области
учитель Гусева Людмила Владимировна

The Great War

The black clouds swirling creep,
In a dark stormy sky…
A lot of dust... All seems a terrible sleep -
Around a lot of people die.

It’s said that the war is not terrible.
But it isn't true. The War is wrong.
Even to hear about it is unbearable.
Its effects will be remembered long.

Because even quite young
Girls and boys went to the front.
The Great Patriotic War flung
Тhem into the battle, and threw under the brunt.

Where do people have forces
To fight the damned enemy?
Maybe, the common threat reinforces
The solidarity against archenemy.

And their feat will never be forgotten!
We will always remember their great prey
Thanks to which we have gotten
Our chance for the great Victory Day!

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