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Сообщения темы: Шморгун Константин
Шморгун Константин 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 1
Шморгун Константин
10 класс
МОУ "Гимназия г.Раменское"
Московской области
учитель Гусева Людмила Владимировна


The soldier was going over the grass,
Down his cheek was running a tear…
He held in his hands a little lass,
In her eyes froze the fear…

He looked straight hopefully,
Where mother waited for him
Sitting near the window ruefully,
And her eyes were so dim…

The girl went silently with the soldier.
Her eyes were full of pain,
Her lips with tears were saltier–
Her house was ruined.

A lot of children became fatherless,
Their mothers died in the fire,
Many lives claimed the war ruthless,
The war gave us experience dire.

We say, «Thank you
For your valor, honor, courage…
Now, although you are few,
We’ll never forget you!».

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