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Сообщения темы: Куликова Анастасия
Куликова Анастасия 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Куликова Анастасия
10 класс
г.Раменское" Московской области
учитель Гусева Людмила Владимировна


War is such a loud word,
And even so many years later,
After all, the story of it’s retold
And saved in our hearts greater.
It was the life “underground”,
The life in fear and excitement around.
It`s one of the days in May –
The day of Great Victory today.
The Russian armies won Victory –it`s clear,
And now from year to year
This day is very important, you hear?
Very significant and with a little fear.
We are to be grateful
To the grandmothers and grandfathers,
We are to remember and be thankful
To whom we live now and not any others.
And, in conclusion, I want to say
That this day we`ll remember forever –
This one of the days in May
We will never forget it! Never !

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