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Сообщения темы: Полатова Дженнет
Полатова Дженнет 11 г., 9 мес. назад Репутация: 1
Полатова Дженнет
2 курс
Педагогический институт
им. В.Г. Белинского Пензенского государственного университета
преподаватель: Разумова Марина Владимировна

Victory day!
Terrible trouble, Came the war!
Everything was cold and subsided.
The sons went to fight for country honor,
Not to let the enemy to the native lands.
And to overcome them ,
For us and for freedom,
They spared no effort and loss .
Nights and days were fighting
Brave and manly soldiers !
They were not afraid of
Hunger and suffering ,screams and tears
They hoped and believed in victory!
And gave us a chance to live!
Thinking everything would be fine ,
Not sleeping days or nights ,
They worked for their relatives!
Without thinking of themselves ,
soldiers died defending,
Their country and their relatives !
And how many of these different lives,
Were stolen by that terrible war !
After all, if all were then alive
The country would have been happy!
Glory to the heroes! Fallen and living !!!
Today come veterans to the parade
With gleaming medals and awards
And together go friendly hand in hand ,
To be congratulated aloud here and there .
So far as, we have those who can thank them ,
Let us remember and love
Let us help them until
They ascend into the clouds,
The war has gone away from us
Those heroes need to be remembered
And the country must support them.
Remember heroes !!!!!!
Remember heroes of the wars!!!!

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Полатова Дженнет 11 г., 9 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Молодец! Удачи!
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Полатова Дженнет 11 г., 9 мес. назад Репутация: 4
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Полатова Дженнет 11 г., 9 мес. назад Репутация: 1
спасибо Динарочка! !
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