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Сообщения темы: Болихова Дарья
Болихова Дарья 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Болихова Дарья
9 класс
МБОУ гимназия №2 "Квантор"
Московская область г.Коломна
учитель: Тихонова Ольга Михайловна

Day of Victory

So many years passed,
But we we will not be in any way able to forget,
That fear, that pain and great number of deaths,
That was taken away by war living.

And everything who remembers, victorious day,
When we struck down fascists
Victory was won a by us,
Saved native land ours.

In that day, in all USSR,
A scream - " Victory" thundered!
And tears of happiness on cheeks,
Flow for wives and mothers.

And a sun lighted in that day very brightly,
Fighters returned home.
Then on eyes fellows had tears,
Tears of the real men.

A that day was named is Victory Day!
Two words major in our fate,
Such words do not drop off,
Such exploits already are not accomplished.

To the veterans our - happiness by all soul!
Let a planet only for you be revolved,
Let a health in your life not end,
And walk around all alarms a side.
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