Емельянова Виктория
11 класс
г.Шахты Ростовской области
учитель: Понамарева Евгения Юрьевна
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It happened suddenly and brought
Grief, sufferings and pain.
The land was washed by bloody rain,
And bravely soldiers fought.
To die for them meant life for us,
Most said good-bye forever.
The enemy was cruel and strong,
But war brought us together.
Men, women,
Old and young,
And even little kids –
They risked their lives
So many times
Without a second thought.
At factories and in battlefields
They did for the Victory a lot
And never spared themselves.
So many years have passed away,
Though Russia’s heart still bleeds.
Those bitter memories won’t ever fade,
Immortal are war deeds!