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Сообщения темы: Мифтафутдинова Линара
Мифтафутдинова Линара 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Мифтафутдинова Линара
5 класс
с.Старая Тушка
Малмыжского района Кировской области
Учитель: Шакирзянова Рамзия Гафиулловна


Spring! Victory! The 9th of May!
What a splendid day!
We are very gay
On this bright spring day!

There is a nice monument
In the centre of our settlement.
Every year in spring
When the grass is green
We come there and put red flowers
To our Heroes - Soviet soldiers.

They were very young
When that war began.
They loved the life
But they are not alive…
They fell in battles
But stopped the advance of German forces.

We will remember them always
We will never forget their courage.

The Great Patriotic War -
The most terrible war.
We want no war
Never more!

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Имя файла: MiftafutdinovaLE_St_George_Ribbon.rar
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