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Сообщения темы: Яралиева Вероника
Яралиева Вероника 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Яралиева Вероника
8 класс
г. Тамбов
учитель: Юрьева Наталия Владимировна

The Victory is a beautiful word,

It’s a gift for the whole world.
The 9th of May – The Victory Day,
The Greatest Day – The Saint Holiday.

We celebrate this day,
The 9th of May – The Happiest Day.
We wish the people feel each day
happiness, love and shout “Hurray!”

Every year on the 9th of May
Our veterans go to the parade,
All people come to greet them in this day
We are crying, but we don’t regret.

Our dear veterans
We sincerely celebrate us,
Men and women who were ready to fight
for freedom, life and the right.

We are proud of our veterans
Their hearts are open for all of us,
They teach us live together in peace
not to know a war decease.

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