Болтышова Алина
8 класс
г. Тамбов
учитель: Юрьева Наталия Владимировна
The days are gone, the nights are gone,
The terrible war is over.
You lost your brothers, but you won,
Our heroes who came back home.
You beat the Germans together,
We celebrate the end of the war,
Today we are all together
thank veterans for freedom, before.
You gave your lifes for us,
We are free and live happily
We give you flowers, dear veterans,
wish peaceful sky and prosperity.
This day, from year to year
us to become clear:
We remember all those
who have never returned home.
The Victory Day is the Great Holiday,
The end of a horrible war is this day,
Let’s take care of our Land!
The Victory Day is very Grand!
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