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Сообщения темы: Морозова Екатерина
Морозова Екатерина 11 г., 11 мес. назад Репутация: 1
Морозова Екатерина
9 класс
МОУ "СОШ №2"
г. Воскресенск
Московской области
Учитель: Иванова Елена Николаевна


Our memory keeps the facts about the war.
Our mind gets new facts about the war.
People greet veterans of war.
People keep thoughts about the war.
And people thank veterans for the victory in war.
The war was hard.
The days were long.
The nights were short.
The soldiers were strong.
They fought for the country.
They wished to overcome.
They hoped their children
To be happy and calm!
We’ll try to remember
The days of the war.
We’ll try to forget
The hardships of war.
We’ll know our veterans
Who were at war.
We’ll wish them good health!
We’ll wish them long live!
We’ll wish them good luck!
And this is the main result!

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