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Сообщения темы: Тамбиева Диана
Тамбиева Диана 11 г., 11 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Тамбиева Диана
7 класс
МБОУ "Гимназия №8 " г. Рубцовск
Алтайский край
учитель Чеснокова Александра Викторовна

Veterans come to the parade!

When veterans come to the parade,
Sparkling with play of awards.
They go with splenny hands,
They’re loudly celebrated by soldiers.
We know, despite of big damaged houses,
They’ll always protect us!!!
Let’s tell them they’re valorous.
The veterans through bitter tear’s drops
Will watch for plaintive mothers,
Those wait for their disappeared sons but thank for the defense of their country.
As I remember through the longest past
The soldiers fought and fought and fought!
The only thing they prayed and wished -
Was quickly to stop that bloody brutal war!
And while all the people thanked those old men,
Let us to remember now and forever!
Love those, who fought on the front of brutal war
And not forget them ever!!
While coming to the parade
With little joy in eyes,
As if the sun reflecting their great awards....
There is their hugest pleasure and happiness!

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Тамбиева Диана 11 г., 11 мес. назад Репутация: 1
Well donel Good luck in the contest!
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