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Сообщения темы: Шешунов Игорь
Шешунов Игорь 11 г., 11 мес. назад Репутация: 3
Шешунов Игорь
7 класс
Гимназия № 8
город Рубцовск, Алтайский край
учитель Чеснокова Александра Викторовна

Too highest price “

Those military battles
Were paid with terrible price.
But happy holiday with me
Was from my childhood always!

I was waiting for its coming with all the others,
Look through the medals as the stars...
And in the spring May parade I could see
The other war that day would be.

When floating square flags were above
When the soldiers in the ranks sang with love,
About their feats of courage and,
Death and great fortune they had.

Oh, Victory! – What a beautiful word!
It’s a gift as for us as for you.
Oh, Victory! – It’s heard everywhere,
The wartime of waltz with tender and care.

Look, the veterans here!
From eternity to eternity had gone.
By adults had become too early
They defeated the trouble, guarding our son...

Forget for a while the troubles
Due the true valor of the fallers,
Note the greatness that Victory was
The echo of distant and horrible war.

Let memory was walking as if through the trail,
And burns like a stab from blood wounds...
Don’t touch our victory - never!
Leave it for people alive!

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Шешунов Игорь 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Игорь! Стихи сочинять нелегко, особенно на английском языке, но ты успешно справился!
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Шешунов Игорь 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 5
Sincere words come from your heart. Best wishes!
Ремнева Ирина Юрьевна
Minister of Education
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