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Сообщения темы: Абакумова Юлия
Абакумова Юлия 11 г., 11 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Абакумова Юлия
6 класс
г.Канаш, Чувашской республики
учитель Иванова Кристина Александровна

The 9th of May.
At the cemetery to his grandfather,
After all, he fought in the war.
And along with all achieved a victory,
So that we could live on earth.
The 9th of May. In the eyes of veterans
No tears, I cannot watch.
They face these old wounds
As a tribute to all those who died in battle.
And every time my heart stops
And does not want to believe in any way,
That they now kill for medals
And memorials bad.
We are a peaceful heaven and gave life,
Asking nothing in return.
We held our indifference in the hearts
About the exploits of these forgotten.
Find a penny, alas, veterans
Sons of our Russian land.
How it all terribly, as all countries
Not right, not like human beings.
We have in this world, other roads
We live in a hurry, hurry.
Living veterans are not so much
And we, as no one need them.
Heat and our attention, care
More expensive for all of them awards.
"You do something to help?"
- Kindly ask someone –
And the wounds will not hurt.
And this is only part of what we, the people,
Have to do for them.
Then, and this is not cruelty
In the warm hearts of the young.
There will be no terrorist attacks and bombings in Russia
Trapped schools and homes.
It is not for the sake of the fight went
And they struck fearless enemies.
For our Motherland! Holy victory!
For each klochochek Earth!
Not really now unworthy grandfathers
Wealth, warmth and love
The 9th of May In the eyes of veterans
No tears, I cannot watch.
It is better, I'll get up early today
-At the cemetery, go to my grandfather ...

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Абакумова Юлия
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Абакумова Юлия 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
I wish you happiness and good luck/
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Абакумова Юлия 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 5
Your poem is really nice! I wish you success in this contest.
Ремнева Ирина Юрьевна
Minister of Education
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