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Сообщения темы: Гурьев Станислав
Гурьев Станислав 11 г., 11 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Гурьев Станислав
6 класс
МБОУ " СОШ №7"
г.Канаш, Чувашской Республики
учитель Иванова Кристина Александровна

Many years have raced with the times
When you've come to know the mountain,
When the fascist hordes banners
It cast in hell forever victory.
Many years ago there was a war,
Terrible misfortune was her.
But the victory came as a reward,
The march military parade!
What can I say to you, the veterans?
That haunt wounds
That you sometimes can not sleep on them?
To say about how you fought,
In the trenches soaking in the rain
As you climbed to the attack
Under heavy enemy fire?
And the whole country is rejoicing, singing,
Having fun, celebrating the people!
Each spring, in early May,
We feel sad, remembering the dead ...
Silence in memory of their mail.
His friends recall the person
Whom war was not dreaming
Whom I do not disturb the wound ...
What can I say to you, the veterans?
Going into a terrible war battles,
Not healed the wounds of body and soul,
From the ashes you have raised the country
Labor impact, glorious, relentless.
And now tears of joy can not hide:
After your song is not sung,
And your deed shall never forget!
Allow me to congratulate you on the Victory Day!

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Гурьев Станислав 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 0
I also congratulate you, the poem is interesting.
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Гурьев Станислав 11 г., 10 мес. назад Репутация: 5
FINE! You have done a good job!
Ремнева Ирина Юрьевна
Minister of Education
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