Клерикова Ольга Алексеевна
учитель английского языка
гимназия №87
г. Саратов
My Mother`s Day
My Mother`s Day is a special thing,
That always reminds me of my daughter`s sin.
Many autumns ago I was young and naive,
My mother couldn`t my greeting receive.
I was trying to share my care and love
With her and my husband,but it wasn` t enough.
Some winters had passed,my mother had gone...
I was,of course, married,but felt all alone.
My daughter is thirty,she has a boy-friend.
She loves him,for certain,I do understand.
But her best friend I didn`t become.
It`s nearly evening,she hasn`t yet come.
The daughter is breaking my mother`s heart.
I` m bitterly crying: we`re still apart.
You see,I don`t want her to follow my fate.
The holiday`s over,it can be too late!