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Сообщения темы: Гаврилевич Галина Николаевна
Гаврилевич Галина Николаевна 12 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 2
Гаврилевич Галина Николаевна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ СОШ №3 г Ессентуки
Ставропольский край

My dear mother you’re my sweet angel

My dear mother you’re my sweet angel,
You’re like a shining star for me.
My dear mother, you are so special!
You ‘re always near, always hear me.

My mother is my best friend ever,
Throughout my life and forever.
A tender smile to give me every day
She gives her helpful hand again, again, again….

My dear mother, you’re like a sunshine,
That warming and brightening my day.
You know, I’m always sorry
For everything wrong I did and do again

Not a single word in the Universe
Can describe how wonderful you are.
I’d like to give you all the treasures
Because I think my love for you is not enough!

I want to say, my mother is unique,
Because you love me so dearly.
You love me through quarrels and fights
Without you I feel myself SO lonely.

You can comfort me when I’m sad
When I’m in trouble you are always near
I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart
Just because you are my mum and you are so dear!

I want to tell you million times
I love you, love you so much!
You are worth much more by far
Thanks, dear MUM for just you are!
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Имя файла: Gavrilevich_GN_Mothers_Day_rar-20130115.zip
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