Резниченко Ольга Анатольевна
учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Центр психолого-медико-социального сопровождения «ДАР»
г. Новокузнецк, Кемеровская область
To My Mother
There’s wonderful light in her brown eyes,
She’s so attractive and so nice.
I feel the warmth of her tender hands,
She’s the best among all my friends.
I hear her voice in the trembling leaves.
She tells me stories and softly sings.
Her soul’s like music of the nature around:
The sun and it’s planets, water and ground.
She’s a beautiful flower in the wild garden grown,
The best of the songs I have ever known.
She’s a graceful poem written by Master,
I’m reading the verses – my heart’s beating faster.
Will any words to my Mother be found?..
Fine music should play and nature should sound!
The wind in the field should whisper or cry:
“ My Mother, I LOVE YOU, my star in the sky!”