Кобзева Марина Владимировна
учитель английского языка
ГБОУ СОШ № 1191
My only pray
You gave me Birth as Christmas present,
And beauty of the world discovered you for me,
You taught me to be honest ,happy, pleasant.
You were a sample which I should forever be
You didn’t not sleep the nights, My Mummy ,
And prayed God to give me sense and wealth.
Your purpose was- me not to grow scummy.
The only thing you worried was- my health.
Years passed , time won’t re- enter ever!
Now, I’ m sure, it’s a real kernel.
Though they say that nothing lasts forever,
I know only Mother’s love’s eternal!
My Mother’ s eyes are full of kindness.
They’re lightening our life- way,
They are the only source of brightness!
“Live longer, Mummy!”- It’s my only pray.
Let you reside without any ruffle.
Don’t be sad about any more!
I always care you avoid kerfuffle.
We‘ll be together. I have sworn!