Фёдорова Лидия
11 класс
МБОУ Солодчинская СОШ,
Село Солодча, Ольховский район, Волгоградская область
учитель Полякова Лариса Николаевна
Dear mother!
I got up early today,
I want to congratulate my mother this day,
I give my mother a lot of roses!
I wish my mother will always be happy!
Mother always thinks of you,
Mother always helps you,
Mother loves you very much.
Her love to you will never be measured!
Mothers are the most kind and gentle people in the world.
Mothers give you this wonderful life.
There is no person nearer and dearer for everybody.
Thanks for you are my Dear Mummy!
I thank you for your love, my dearest.
I want you to be loved by all, my kindest.
I want you smile at me, my favorite.
I love you very much, my most beautiful!!!