Иванова Евгения
8 класс
МОУ "Гимназия г. Раменское" Московской области
Учитель Гусева Людмила Владимировна
Mother-is the best on Earth.
Who gave birth to you, hearing you loud cry?
Who was glad immensely to your word?
Who was happy seeing your first step?
Who gave you all her time and attention?
Who for hours could not sleep only to be near you?
Who saw for the first time you went to school?
Who helped to homework late at night?
Who with you went to walks dressing your long?
Who wishes you most best luck and health?
Who trusts you and most of all, loves you?
The answer is obvious.
Sure, all most of it-this is your dear Mom!
It`s a great job to be one`s mom!
To love you children you need understanding!!
First your step is remembered by mother…
Your word first…
You say thanks to your mother who during sleepless nights near with you!
You say thanks for everything that in your life was!
For love and care, and all the good!
For verses, stories, fairy tales,
For support and attention!
Mother-is the best on Earth all children will tell us.
Mother is your one!
Do appreciate it always!!!