Килиянчук Наталья
8 класс
г. Мурманск
учитель Тугарина Татьяна Павловна
You make me smile, when I’m sad.
You hang my body, when I’m bad.
I know you are my angel for all lifelong.
I promise you will never cry at all.
Your hand is warm, when I’m cold
You're always here if I could fall.
You’re my God in whole world,
Don't need to tell even one word.
No doubt I feel, you're here, behind
You’ll follow steps if I am blind.
My eyes as yours, my hair is brown
I look like mommy and I’m proud.
My mommy is the best I know,
I wouldn’t find better her.
Let this be our prayer now
For everybody who has a MOM!