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Сообщения темы: Димитриев Михаил
Димитриев Михаил 12 г., 1 мес. назад Репутация: 0
Димитриев Михаил
8 класс
МБОУ "Среднекибечская СОШ" Канашского района
учитель Шишкина Марина Владимировна

The kindest word

It is the first kind word
Mother… it is forever.
It is so beautiful
As spring flowers,
As the first snow,
As the sun shining so brightly.
When you are next to me
I am not scared of nothing.
Health to you I wish
Let the God help her.

Mother is the best of the best…
I even have no suitable words to describe all my love.
She helps me
And my sister and my father
She always helps everyone.
But mother needs in the rest too.
And we try to help her
By washing floor and cups
That’s why we are a happy family!!!

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