Печальнова Алена
6 класс
МАОУ ДОД «Городской дворец творчества детей и молодежи №1» г.Набережные Челны Республики Татарстан
Учитель Юмагулова Гузель Фаритовна
Mother`s Day.
I love my mother very much,
She looks like brightly sun.
And I am sure that it is such
A good day to congratulate my mum.
“Dear mum, I love you!
You are very kind.
And if you have a problem
You say “Never mind”.
Mummy, mummy,
You always help me.
All these problems will be solved
And I know it, but it`s cold,
Because Mother`s day in autumn…
In Mother`s day
I wish you:
Health`s good,
Funny fun,
Happy mood
And sunny sun.
You are friendly,
You are helpful,
You are lovely,
You are tactful.
You are so nice!
And only for you
This tea with ice.
Mother – you are the best!
And you deserve a day with rest!