Тригуб Евгений
6 класс
МОБУ Гимназия №9
Амурская область , г. Свободный
учитель Романенко Олеся Сергеевна
My mother
I love my dear mother
She `s very kind with father
She `s polite, clever, loving
And very-very funny
We do homework together
Which I do not understand
And in excellent weather
We`re going into the woods for a picnic
In the summer we go to travel
In the winter celebrate the New Year
My mother is ideal
And we live amicably
When I was child
She red me tales
And soon I got older and understood
My mother is friend
Of course, my mother very tired,
But this does not preclude
Skills to help me very often,
Every hour and every day
Today is Mother`s Day
This is very good
I will go to my mother
And congratulating her