Шевченко Ника
6 класс
ГУ школа-лицей №6
Казахстан, г Экибастуз
учитель Турова Светлана Николаевна
Devoted to my Mother
The “Mother” word is very short,
But there is so much –
A birth itself and tender care,
Love, joy and gentle touch.
You grow up. Despite your age,
You are a child ever,
There’s no person in the world,
Like mother, it’s forever.
My mother is a friend of mine,
She helps me learn the life,
When problems come, we don’t give up,
But striving to survive.
I always tell my mother truth,
That’s why, she always trusts me,
I like her jokes and her smile,
But only not her tears.
In March we’ll celebrate the day,
We recognize all mothers,
We celebrate it once a year –
But we should do it always.