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Симкина Наталия Викторовна

The modern computerized education and the requirements to the modern teacher bring forward the idea that the teacher’s personal site is absolutely necessary. Is it really so? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a personal teacher’s site?

The Internet has become an important part of our personal lives and has entered the sphere of education as a transmitter of the teacher’s experience, best works, ideas and achievements.

Firstly, having one’s own personal site helps a teacher to get a higher rank among other teachers. It happens so due to the opportunity to share the works with the national community of teachers and parents. Indeed, the site can be a means of communication between the teacher and his / her pupils, the teacher and the pupils’ parents, the teacher and his / her colleagues.

Secondly, having a personal site is required while come through the process of qualifying as a teacher of the first and higher degree.

Thirdly, personal site functions as storage of useful materials. Nowadays the Internet is dumped with different materials, so it’s better to have some respected sites to borrow materials from.

But here we should remember that the teacher is absolutely responsible for the materials downloaded, for their quality and copyright. And here one of the biggest problems is hidden. The quality of the teacher’s material can reveal his / her professional competence, his / her level of computer knowledge. It’s hard work to create and maintain a personal site.

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