
Приглашаем коллег завести свой персональный блог!

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Агаркова Валентина Викторовна

There is a big influence of technique on our daily life. Electronic devices, multimedia and computers are thing we have to deal with everyday. Especially the Internet is becoming more and more important for nearly everybody as it is one of the newest and most forward looking media. The Internet changed our life enormously; there is no doubt about that.

Thanks to the Internet there is a great way to communicate having a personal site. Many people maintain Personal site because they are the most effective medium to express their opinion. No doubt the Personal site has a lot of advantages. It gives an opportunity to self-expression. It’s the best way to get experience, to discuss different subjects, news, share ideas and knowledge, to  show own works (articles, presentations, worksheets) and own progress. It is easy to keep necessary information. Personal site helps to achieve public recognition. You can communicate with other colleagues, call the suggestion, express own opinion.

But there are some disadvantages of having Personal site. It takes a lot of time, efforts and energy to create the site and getting loads of information for pupils, other teachers and parents.Some people could plagiarize your works.

Though, the Personal sites are becoming more and more popular among the people.

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