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Маковлева Инна Вячеславовна

"Personal site: for and against"

Nowadays a good teacher needs to be a confident user of computer technology. You are facing technologies practically in every sphere of your life, and practically every person from little children to the elderly is using computers in his everyday life. I use computer and the Internet every day and for different purposes: to communicate with my relatives and friends, to collaborate with the colleagues – English teachers from other cities and countries, to get materials for my work. So I dare say I’m an advanced Internet user and I can evaluate the pros and cons of such an interesting web instrument as a personal site.

I should say a personal site has quite a number of advantages. Firstly, you can use it as a personal portfolio where all your materials,  achievements, publications are gathered in one place. You can share your thoughts and ideas on different topics with other teachers and your students. So, the second function of a personal site is a means of communication. You can use it as a bank of articles, links to interesting resources, lesson plans, etc. And it serves as a data storage  for you. As for the cons of a personal site, I can mention the only one concerning some technical problems, such as low internet speed.

Of course, there may be some fear of creating and using a personal site with the people who are just beginners in the web but the devil is not so black as he is painted. I wish everyone good luck in our wonderful journey through the World Wide Web.

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