Уржумова Анна Владимировна

Уржумова Анна Владимировна

Аспирант МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова
Преподаватель английского языка в компании "ФТК-Юниум"

Soldier, are you crying?..

“Wait, Soldier, are you crying?.. Cry, my dear…

I understand, what happens in your mind.

You were in violent battles, and your tears

Will help you now to leave your pain behind.


I know, it frightened you – with foes meeting,

In smoke mixed red blood and salty sweat,

Because of instant horror hearts stopped beating,

You had no time at all to go to bed.


That fight was very furious. And you closed

With enemies in fighting hand-to-hand.

The combat was too dreadful, I suppose,

But you’re the strongest, you must all that stand!


It seems impossible – all soul wounds to cure

In fire and in smoke of days of war,

But think, the spring again will come – so pure! –

And happy life will round-dances whirl.


My dear soldier, you will soon come home,

You’ll see your children and your loving wife,

You’ll smile to mother fondly. And all bombs,

All fights you’ll send away of your new life!


You must survive! You’ll stay alive! D’ you hear?

I plead, I beg you, open, please, your eyes!”

Across his cheek runs slowly a crystal tear…

He breathes no more. He’s far among the stars…