Исаева Инна Сергеевна,

Исаева Инна Сергеевна
учитель английского языка
МОУ Гимназии № 12
г. Волгограда

I am thinking of the arms

That Soviet soldiers once laid

in and around the fiery Stalingrad

and such an effect that made –

and the overall victory was won!!!


Many soldiers and city men

did all they could to win.

sleepless nights at plants they spent

And others were in battle’s fields.


Stalingrad was the city

Ruined to its basement

almost at once

Volga was and houses emptied

But brave men wouldn’t give up.


Now we live in peace and freedom

But, as a rule, each spring

We celebrate the Day of Victory

And say our last goodbye to arms of war.