The communication and transport sectors have improved so much, that they have brought all the countries of the world very close. You can travel to a foreign nation in a day or chat with a person sitting in another country. This has helped each one of us to know the diverse cultures and traditions of different countries. There are almost 2,796 languages spoken all around the world. Learning different languages is fun and enables you to communicate with people belonging to different countries and cultures. So, are you going to learn a foreign language and want to begin with the greetings? Then here is a brief information on greetings in different languages.
Hello in Different Languages
Arabic - Al Salaam a'alaykum
Armenian - Barev
Bulgarian - Zdraveite
Cantonese - Nei Hou
Croatian - Bok
Czech - Dobry den
Danish - Goddag
Dutch - Hallo
Estonian - Tere
Finnish - Terve
French - Bonjour
German - Guten Tag
Greek - Kalimera
Hawaiian - Aloha
Hebrew - Shalom
Hindi - Namaste
Hungarian - Szia
Icelandic - Hallo
Indonesian - Assalamu alai kum
Italian - Buon giorno
Japanese - Konnichiwa
Korean - Annyong ha shimnikka
Lithuanian - Labas
Mandarin - Ni Hao
Mayan - Ba'ax ka wa'alik
Mohawk - Sekoh
Navajo - Ya at eeh
Persian - Selam
Polish - Czesc
Portuguese - Oi
Romanian - Buna ziua
Russian - Zdraustvuite
Samoan - Talofa lava
Serbian - Zdravo
Slovak - Dobry den
Slovenian - Zdravo
Spanish - Hola
Swahili - Jambo
Swedish - God dag
Tagalog - Magandang tanghali po
Turkish - Merhaba
Ukranian - Pryvit
Good Morning in Different Languages
Afrikaans - Goeiemôre, Môre
Albanian - Mirëmëngjes
Bulgarian - Dobro utro
Chinese - Zǎoān
Croatian - Dobro jutro
Danish - God morgen
Dutch - Goede morgen
Estonian - Tere hommikust
Finnish - Hyvää huomenta
French - Bonjour
German - Guten Morgen
Greek - Kaliméra
Hawaiian - Aloha kakahiaka
Hebrew - Boker tov
Hindi - Namaste
Hungarian - Jó reggelt (kívánok)
Indonesian - Selamat pagi
Irish - Dia dhuit/dhaibh ar maidin / Maidin mhaith
Italian - Buongiorno
Japanese - Ohayō gozaimasu
Lithuanian - Labas rytas
Polish - Dzień dobry
Portuguese - Bom dia
Russian - Dobroe utro
Spanish - Buenos días
Swedish - God morgon
Turkish - Günaydın
Urdu - Subha bākhair
Welcome in Different Languages
Albanian - Mirë se vini
Bosnian - Dobro dosli
Bulgarian (to one person) - Dobre doshal
Croatian (to group) - Dobro došli
Dutch - Welkom
Egyptian - Iiwy
Esperanto - Bonvenon
Estonian - Tere tulemast
Finnish - Tervetuloa
French - Bienvenue
German - Willkommen
Greek - Kalos orisate
Hawaiian - Aloha mai
Hindi - Swaagatam
Hungarian - Isten hozta
Indonesian - Selamat datang
Italian - Benvenuto
Japanese - Irashaimasu
Spanish (to group) - Bienvenidos
Vietnamese - Chào mung