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Боголепова Светлана Викторовна

Today I am going to describe the activities and resources I use to teach and drill the Clothes topical vocabulary.


In my opinion, songs and chants are great for practicing structure and vocabulary. These are the links I find useful:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cBmnRsh8Hw&feature=related - a nice song

http://www.dreamenglish.com/clothing - a chant

http://www.esl4kids.net/chants/clothes.html - a chant

http://elt.oup.com/student/surprise/level3/songs/song5_1?cc=global&selLanguage=en - a chant


I introduce chants the following way:

- teach or revise the vocabulary using flashcards;

- teach and choral read structures;

- give a while-listening task, for example, to say what colour the clothes are, after listening give feedback;

- sing the song/chant whole-class, using mime (for example, pointing to the piece of clothing we are singing about).



·         musical clothes: the teacher turns on the music, when it stops playing, she names a piece of clothing, and the children wearing it, sit down;

·         memory: one of the students stands with his back to the classroom and describes what one of his classmates is wearing;

·         description: the students are divided into teams, one team describes what one of their classmates if wearing, other teams try to guess who it is.



-          categorizing: sorting the clothes wordcards into different categories, such as things we wear to school/to a party/for a walk or in summer/winter;

-          you have a washing line, and your students hang pictures of clothing onto it; the students close their eyes, the teacher takes off one item, and the students guess what it was.







On-line games and books:






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