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Будич Елена Валерьевна

We live in the age of high technology. No matter whether we want it or not modern means of communication have become an integral part of the present-day society. Teens spend a lot of time surfing the Net, using ICQ and SKYPE. As a result, the question is: should teachers be up-to-date or should they keep old traditions?

As far as I'm concerned I believe that teachers of the 21st century can get a lot of advantages of new technologies. First of all, we mustn't know less than our students or at least we should try to be at their level, otherwise we can't be called TEACHERS. Secondly, modern technologies will make our lessons more interesting and useful as our students can gain more necessary information while the preparation for the lesson will take less teacher's time. Thirdly, self-education for teachers as well as sharing the experience is a demand of time. So, the Internet is a great helper here. We can take different distant courses and stay at home, we can upload and download plans of the lessons so that our colleagues would use our mateial in their work.

So, all these advantages as well as many others may be found in a Personal Site of a teacher where he or she may express his/her personal views on different pedagogical problems, share his/her experience, use it in his/her work with students. All in all, personal site is a time requirement with a lot of advantages and the absence of disadvantages.

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