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Мартынова Альбина Валентиновна

"Personal site: for and against"

In our modern, high-tech society and with 24-hour access to the Internet, it is no surprise that more and more teachers are creating their personal sites. However there are some drawbacks. The question of whether it is necessary and helpful to have your personal site is one that has been under discussion now.

There are many things to be said in favour of having personal site. To begin with, it gives a teacher a great opportunity to share his or her ideas about teaching with colleges from different parts of the country and abroad. Another argument to it is that, a teacher can store a lot of helpful information there and use it as online portfolio.  Finally, maintaining personal site helps a teacher become more creative and organized and improve computer skills.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to having personal site. For one thing, maintaining personal site is a hard job which takes a lot of time. Moreover, there are no Internet sites which can be free from dangerous viruses. In addition, some people can use your site to advertise violence, cruelty or inaccurate information.

Taking everything into account, it is obvious that there are both positive and negative sides of creating personal site.  Personally, I believe that personal site is a welcome and useful development. I am sure every creative and professionally self-improving teacher should create at least one personal site.

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