
Приглашаем коллег завести свой персональный блог!

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Букина Инна Викторовна

Can you imagine our world without the  internet? It is not really! We have got an information boom in a modern world. The Internet has become a part of our life. Whether we like it or not, the Internet is here to stay. It is the thing to find the right balance between virtual reality and everyday life. We all know there is a teacher in our life too. He comes to class every day and passes on the all torch. The teacher passes knowledge. Knowledge is not just information, it is a worldview, human warmth and participation, compassion and patience, wisdom  finally.It ia an endless work .

I think that teachers should be able to use personal site in their work. It is a good way to inform about yourself, your work, successes of your students. It is an opportunity to find new friends of miles away, because the Internet is shot distance between a real life and a virtual life. It ia an opportunity to tell about your intrests, dreams...

Another advantages are:

1. A  real teacher is always striving to become a positive example for his students, and his own website  will be an indispensable assistant
2. The site helps him achieve  a public recognition

3. The site allows him to create a Wikipedia in his subject

4. The teacher can consult and give advice to parents on the issues of education of students

5. The teacher  can express thoughts and ideas for the improvement of education

6. The site allows  to show examples of individual approach to pupils in the course of the educational process, his own teaching finds and discoveries.

All in all, I believe that there are only advantages !

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