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Плешакова Наталья Николаевна

We’re all busy. We’re not  lazy bones. But if you want to be busier – start creating your personal site!

I’ve already got my personal site. But now I’m interested in other opportunities in site building. What’s for?

Firstly, it’s an amazing experience in learning IT.  Whatever  we  like it or not but nowadays schools are not only pens and books.  In my opinion, mastering of new methods of teaching  is impossible without having  a “virtual headquarters”, i.e. without your site or even sites.

Secondly, I need my site to save my files and share them with colleagues.  Inventing a bicycle is not a suitable way of spending  time, isn’t it? Supplementary materials and activities, necessary references…  There can be no doubt that it’s easier to exchange our resources  with  colleagues if we’ve got  sites.

More than that, it helps you to have feedback and motivate you to develop  as a  teacher.

But as usual there is a fly in the ointment:  viruses and lack of time. They can both stand  in the way of having a web site.  But nothing venture, nothing have!

To sum up,  I must say that comparing pros and cons you should choose pros. It’s worth it.

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