Personal site: for and against.
Today, the Internet has brought the whole world in every house and we use a great collection of various services and resources. Thanks the Internet there is a great way to communicate having a personal site. I'm certain that the website has a lot of advantages. I'm a teacher and my personal site gives an opportunity to practice with colleagues , to get experience or teaching at any time. So my pedagogical activity is more effective. Another advantage of personal sites is the ability to vent feelings typing in texts and letting the whole world thoughts. Nowadays it is easy to keep useful information or documents having the site. I post new information very quickly and keep everyone informed of news without having to send out massive emails. I'm able to establish a kind of global friendship using my site .
However, I think the website has disadvantages too. I may risk a theft to my personal information such as name, address etc. Some people can use personal details for their benefit, and this may land me in serious trouble. Besides that, my personal site can become only a collection of information or I can forget about my family o and communicate only on social networks.
Thus, the personal site has the potential to make life convenient and pleasant.With clever use , you can manage to harness its unlimited potential.