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Петрушина Татьяна Николаевна

 It's not so easy to become a good speaker or a good chairperson. Here are some useful advice which help you improve your debating skills and become a good speaker.

  • Talk to the audience, don't read to them. Remember your job is to persuade the audience - and persuasion is interactive.You need to engage the hearts and minds of the audience.
  • Practice in front of the mirror or in front of a video camera. There's no better way to improve your delivery than seeing what the audience sees.
  • Write less on your cards, not more. Remember the main purpose of notes - to remember content. So, use as few written words as possible to help you jog your memory in case you get lost.
  • Always relate what you are saying back to the topic - explain its relevance.You should make it clear to the audience that everything you say helps you prove your side of the topic.
  • Use examples  to support your arguments. They should be interesting, easy for the audience to relate to and provide sufficient evidence.

            What makes a good chairperson

         A good chairperson will always...

  • keep order
  • keep the audience's attention on the speaker
  • speak loudly and clearly
  • manage people who interrupt appropriately

             A good chairperson will never...

  •  shout to keep order
  • use the gavel before they try to make their presence known verbally
  • treat the gavel as a sledge hammer
  • use violence to establish order
  • forget to keep a good record of time throughout the debate

            What makes a good speaker

            A good speaker will always ...

  •  demonstrate a good knowledge of the topic
  • use examples and facts to support his/ her arguments
  • show enthusiasm and confidence 
  • try to answer questions put to them, even if the questions are tough ones
  • ask somebody to restate their question if it is unclear 
  • keep to the point and not wander off topic
  • speak loudly and clearly

         A good speaker will never ...

  • mumble his / her words
  • contradict himself/ herself
  • have a question unanswered
  • leave the debate in a bad mood should he/she happen to lose

             I wish you good luck!

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