Использование игр на уроках английского языка несомненно является наиболее естественным и доступным путем овладения тех или иных знаний, умений и навыков. В своей рабте я использую следующие игры.
Guessing game
A pupil chooses a certain object on the picture.Others try to guess asking him questions, thus working on vocabulary and grammar.
For example,Is this a parot?- No, it is not.
Is this a mouse?- Yes, it is.
Disappearing picture flashcards
Pupils try to remember all the cards n the blackboard. Then a teacher asks pupils to close their eyes. After that the teacher puts away and hides one of the pictures. Then pupils try to remember what's mising.
A perfect match
A teacher asks to match a picture flashcard with the word or a definition written on the blackboard.
Two teams. A teachers whispers a word on pupil's ear. The pupil whispers in chain and so it goes to the leading who has to circle a necessary word on the blackboard. The winner is the team which writes the word first.
Spelling game
A game is played with a ball. A teacher throws a ball to one of the pupils and the pupil has to spell the word.