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Зимина Татьяна Александровна

Cambridge English Language Assessment invites you to join them for their new webinar: Supporting primary and secondary teachers in CLIL contexts on Monday 18 May 14.00 - 15.00 (UK time*) and Wednesday 20 May 10.00 - 11.00 (UK time*). This webinar is for new and experienced primary and secondary teachers. 

 In this webinar they will give an overview of what CLIL is using practical examples to explain the approach. They will identify the challenges CLIL secondary and primary teachers face, provide ideas for supporting learners in CLIL lessons and explore approaches to assessment with examples from secondary and primary CLIL contexts.

http://www.cambridgeenglish.org/teaching-english/resources-for-teachers/webinars/exams/young-learners/supporting-primary-and-secondary-teachers-in-clil-contexts/18-may-2015/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=new+webinar+from+cambridge+english++supporting+primary+and+secondary+teachers+in+clil+contexts++may+2015&utm_content=new+webinar+from+cambridge+english++supporting+primary+and+secondary+teachers+in+clil+contexts++may+2015+cid_e4f77699d426f5ef1a19f31dd1f2f829&utm_source=campaign monitor cameng webinars&utm_term=monday 18 may 2015 1400 - 1500 uk time

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