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Фомина Надежда Михайловна
  1.  В списке русских слов отметьте очерёдность воспринятых на слух иноязычных эквивалентов.

 Цель: запоминание лексики
















билет туда и обратно


место рождения










быть заграницей


мужской пол


семейное положение


2. Прослушайте предложения на иностранном языке, укажите лексические ошибки, допущенные в процессе их перевода на русский язык. (Текст русских предложений предлагается на карточке или на доске).

Цель: работа с лексическими единицами

We were at the first carriage and our friends went into the next carriage. – Мы были в первом купе, а наши друзья пошли в другое.

An excursion is always interesting. – Экскурсия - это всегда забавно.

The man carried something in a pack on his back. – Мужчина нёс что-то в пакете на плече. 

How many members of your family usually discuss where to go on the summer holidays? – Сколько членов твоей семьи говорят куда поехать на летние каникулы.

He promised me to be here at 6 o’clock. – Он сказал мне быть здесь в 6 часов.

I carried my aunt’s suitcase to her room. – Я принёс сумку моей тёти в её комнату.

3. Прослушайте предложения,  произнесённые в быстром темпе и запишите их в тетради. Затем проверьте правильность своих записей при более медленном чтении предложений диктором. Цель: развитие навыка аудирования.

4. Прослушайте текст на иностранном языке 2-3 раза и заполните таблицу «Another web planner» (Приложение 1). Цель: работа с лексикой.

What is my address?

An English tourist came to Paris. It was his first visit there. On the same day, he sent a telegram to his wife who was in London. In the telegram, he told her the address of the hotel where he was staying. He also told her that he was quite well.

As he was in Paris for the first time, he wanted to go sightseeing. After dinner he went for a walk and then decided to go to the theatre to see a new play. It was very late when the plays over. It was time to go home.

But at that moment he realized that he could not get to the hotel; he did not remember either the name of the hotel or the address. The Englishman was at a loss (растеряться); he didn’t know what to do. Suddenly he remembered sending a telegram to his wife that morning. So, late at night his wife got a very strange telegram: “Please send me my address at once”. (сразу, немедленно)

Дифференцировочные упражнения

  1. Расположите слова в алфавитном порядке в пределах одной буквы (с учётом второй, третьей буквы в слове) по теме «How long does it take you to get to England?»

Цель: запоминание лексики.

traveling, bus, boat, cheap, pence, expensive, cost, England, pound, fly, comfortable.

Вставьте пропущенные в слове буквы или буквосочетания.

Цель: контроль написания изученных лексических единиц

kop . . k, ro . ble, rece . ve, t . ckets, ca . . y, ferr . , ambas . y, f . male, sc . re,

addr . ss, nati . n . lity, re . atives, com . ortabl . , ho . . l.

2 .Выпишите из текста слова с общим корнем.

Цель: ознакомление с лексикой

Hiking about the country.

A long walk in the country is very interesting. Such a walk is called a hike. And when you go for a walk in the country, you say that you are going on a hike. There are a lot of hikers on a warm sunny day.

Why is hiking a nice thing for all people – young and not so young? Well, a hike is a walk for pleasure in the open country, and when you plan a hike, you think about pleasure and exercise.

If you want to see the countryside, you must spend part of your summer holidays on hikes. But you must not walk very quickly if you want to enjoy your hiking trip.

3. Найдите в тексте (подберите на память) антонимы к словам, указанным на доске. Цель: развитие навыка подбора соответствующих лексических единиц по памяти.

old                             get                                                     go                  

friend                                    easy                                                   love

beautiful                              rude                                                  slow              

cheap                                    famous                                             rich

4. Найдите в иностранном тексте слова, услышанные на родном языке.

Цель: проверка понимания изученной лексики

Дядя, прямые улицы, современный город, пересекать (переходить улицу), второй этаж, найти дорогу, здание, объяснять.

Last summer Misha Sergeev of Form 7 A went to another town to visit his uncle’s family. It was a modern town but not large. Its streets were straight and the small square in the centre was very beautiful. Looking at the address on a piece of paper Misha crossed a green street and stopped near a new building. It was his uncle’s house.

When the door on the second floor opened, Misha saw his uncle. “Oh, Misha! We’re so glad to see you! How did you find the way?” Uncle Dima asked.

“Well, I’ve already traveled with my parents and I know how to find a road, a street or an interesting building in a town. Ask people and they’ll explain how to get any place.”

Повторительные упражнения

  1. Прочтите слово из списка, затем произнесите его по памяти. Цель: тестирование лексики. Список слов в упражнении №4
  2. Повторяйте за диктором слова (список слов все удлиняется, вперемежку даются известные и новые слова). Цель: тестирование лексики
  3. Повторите за диктором набор слов, запишите их и составьте из них предложения. Цель: тестирование и активизация лексики.
  4. Прочтите весь список слов, располагая слова в алфавитном порядке.

Цель: тестирование лексики

Cheap, expensive, traveling, name, nationality, to enjoy, to phone, to fly, telephone number, pence, campfire, park, to walk, robbery, holiday, application form, full name, marital status, embassy, sex, male, female,  visa, fast return ticket, bus stop.

5. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы в предложения при этом воспользуйтесь списком глаголов. Цель: активизация лексического материала

a)                When people go to the Black Sea, they want to …….… a holiday.

b)                A famous singer is going to ………  a concert in the Kremlin Palace.

c)                 My sister says you can     all Moscow monuments and sights in a week.

d)                My brother reads many newspapers and he can ………… political questions.

e)                You  ………..  to go to his house but you don’t know the address.

f)                  My grandparents …………  in a village situated between a river and a hill.

Список глаголов: live, give, enjoy, discuss, see, want

6. Соотнесите глаголы в списках, сведите их в пары антонимов.

Цель: активизация лексики, узнавание и соотнесение ЛЕ.

Go, write, build, stay, like, get, forget, give, break, hate, read, find, lose, remember, love, dislike, etc.

7. Вставьте в предложения пропущенные артикли. Используйте  для этого артикли, указанные в списке (к каждому артиклю в скобках указывается число употреблений в предложениях). Цель: работа и активизация ЛЕ

a)                It was …… nice place with …… green trees near ……. river.

b)                May I go out with …… dog for …… quarter of …..hour.

c)                 Vitya is playing ….. football in …. yard.

d)                They spoke much about ……… modern literature and art.

e)                I have ……… idea of going for …… walk as far as ……. station.

f)                  Shall we go to Tula by ……..train or by …… bus?

Список артиклей: a(3), the(4), an(2)

8. Вставьте в предложения недостающие сегменты (вводную конструкцию, глагол, существительное, прилагательное, наречие) в соответствии с контекстом. (К каждому предложению приводятся три варианта подстановки).

9. Замена слов в предложениях синонимами (множественный выбор). Цель: развитие языковой догадки, контроль понимания лексических единиц

sight                                      way                                       feeling

1) place of interest                       1) road, path                                  1) sympathy

2) spectacle                         2) distance                                      2) sensation

3) power of seeing                       3) method                                       3) taste and understanding                      

Подстановочные и конструктивные упражнения

  1. Исправьте в подчеркнутых словах «опечатки». Цель: контроль написания лексических единиц

A Frenchman once trevelled in England. He could speak English a little, but he did not knaw many words. One day he stayed at a smoll country hotel. He wonted a cup of coffee and some eggs.

He set down at a table in the dinning-rum. The waiter came and asked him what he wanted. But the Frenchman could not remember the English wort “eggs”.

Suddenly, he looked out of the vindow and saw a cock in the yard. He pointed to the cock…..

2. Вставьте пропущенные в диалоге слова, пользуясь списком слов.

Цель: активизация лексики, контроль понимания

Talk on a journey

-                     We can see a lot of things through the …………. window, can’t we?

-                     Oh, yes! It’s very interesting and all things are ……… very quickly.

-                     See that ……………. far away near a lake? Isn’t it beautiful?

-                     And there is a dark ……………. behind the village. The villagers can go to the forest very often. It’s bad that we have no forest ………… our town.

-                     Look! Some boys and girls are swimming in the …………..

-                     I think they are from summer camp.

-                     Those large buildings must be a ……………. A train is coming out carrying machines to other parts of the country.

-                     Yes, there’s another factory. We’re coming to a ………….. city.

Список слов: village, carriage, factory, river,  forest,  large,  changing, near

3. Замените выделенные слова словами из списка. Цель: развитие языковой догадки, активизация лексики.

Go on, send back, pick up, carry on, carry out, hold up, be off

 Continue, return, collect, continue, follow, rob, go away

4. Вставьте в предложения нужные предлоги, где они необходимы. Цель: повторение и контроль понимания изученного

a)                I don’t agree ……… you, I’m afraid you are wrong.

b)                Do you agree ….. our plans to go …….. an excursion in the country?

c)                 Which do you like better, traveling …… boat or …… plane?

d)                It is only two day’s journey …… Moscow …… Tomsk.

e)                They went to the airport to see their grandmother …….

f)                  We are planning …… a short trip for the summer.

Трансформационные упражнения

  1. Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную, используя при этом различные глаголы общения. Цель: активизация лексики (глаголы общения), проверка построения косвенной речи

Policeman: Did you call the police, Mrs. Larkin?

Mrs. Larkin: Oh, yes! I must tell you all about it. A horrible thing happened.

Policeman:  Tell us everything!

Mrs. Larkin: Of course. At 5 o’clock I was making tea for my husband. He likes his tea very hot…..

Policeman: Could you stick to the point, Mrs. Larkin.

 Mrs. Larkin: Oh yes, I was making tea when I heard a strange noise in my neighbour’s house. The MacWizard family live there, but they are on holiday at the moment.

Policeman: And what happened then?

Mrs. Larkin: Everything was quiet for a while. Then I went to the garden. I was cutting my roses when I heard the strange noise again.

Policeman: Sorry, but we are really pressed for time.

Mrs. Larkin: To cut a long story short, when I went to their house and looked into the room through the window. There was a robber in the room. He was looking for something. He was trying to open a big box when he saw me. I was standing next to the window when the robber ran out of the house. I went home and phoned you.

2. Замените в тексте местоимения подходящими по смыслу существительными. Цель: формирование умения подстановки соответствующей лексической единицы.

Some people who lived in a village had many fine sheep. But there are was a wolf that lived in the forest. He was always trying to catch the sheep and eat them. So they gave money to a boy and said, “Watch it in the field all day. If you see the wolf, shout to us for help!”

Very soon he ran to the village. “Help!” he called. “Wolf! Wolf!” Some of them were working on a farm. They heard his shouts.

“We are coming!” they shouted in answer.

But when they came to the boy, they could not see the wolf. The sheep were eating grass.....

3. Преобразуйте текст об одном городе в текст о другом городе, пользуясь той же лексикой. Цель: активизация лексики, умение выстраивать адекватные коммуникации

My native town where I live is called Nizhnie Sergi. I am proud to be its citizen. It’s called so because it lies in the low stream of the river Serga. My town is small. Demidov founded it in 1743 as a working settlement. N-Sergi is a very small industrial centre. The town has the heavy metallurgical industry and timber industry. The main factory is N-Serginsky steelwork. The factory produces many metallurgical products. More than 12 thousand people live there. They are of many different nationalities. The town has three schools and children’s library, school’s, club’s and district’s libraries. Nizhnie Sergi has a history museum.

Especially our town is famous for a resort - sanatorium with mineral water and mountain skiing line.

Not far from the town, there is the national park “Oleniyi ruchiyi”.  Many people visit our district to see beautiful monuments of nature, for example the cave “Druzhba”, “Shunut Stone” and others.

Упражнения для активизации лексики в речи

  1. Перескажите диалог в монологической форме, употребляя ключевые слова и добавляя детали, собственные оценки. Цель: развитие умения выстраивать монологическую речь, высказывая собственные суждения, активизация лексики.

Booking Tickets

Passenger: I want to fly to London on the 10th of October.

Clerk: I’ll just see what there is.

Passenger: I want an economy class and I’d prefer the morning.

Clerk: Yes, there are some tickets: Aeroflot flight 103 leaves the Sheremetyevo airport at 10 o’clock.

Passenger:What time have I got to be there?

Clerk: The coach leaves for the airport at 8 o’clock. What’s your name?

Passenger: Willow, Jonathan Willow.

Clerk: Spell it please.

Passenger:J-o-n-a-t-h-a-n W-i-ll-o-w.

Clerk: Here you are.

Passenger: Thank you.

2. Составьте план прослушанного рассказа. Цель:  развитие умения  структурировать информацию

См. тексты Hiking about the country, What is my address?

3. Поставьте вопросы к просмотренному видеофильму и подготовьте ответы на них. Цель: активизация изученной лексики.

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автор Филатова Л.С.

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