To keep your chin up
Meaning: to remain, optimistic,
cheerful and confident.
Example: I’m sure things will soon get better. Keep your chin up!
Meaning: to experience bad news without making a fuss of it
Example: the bad news was terrible for John, but he took it to the chin easily.
Meaning: To like sweet food
Example: I like candy and cakes. I really have a sweet tooth.
Meaning: To get involved in something.
Example: This book is really interesting. I am really getting my teeth into it.
Meaning: To find something irritating
Example: It sets my teeth on edge that you never tidy up your bedroom.
Meaning: To be very difficult
Example: I finally managed to finish the Science project, but it was like pulling teeth.
Meaning: to shock or surprise people / Example: What you did will raise some eyebrows here.
Meaning: Very thoroughly, with a lot of detail / Example: He described the room down to a gnat’s eyebrow.
Meaning: Something that you see attractive or you like.
Example: Colourful toys always catch the children’s eyes.
Meaning: To ignore, to not do anything about something
Example:. My mum knows I’m untidy, but she turns a blind eye to it.
Meaning: To get on with somebody, to agree
Example: She doesn’t see eye toe ye with his mother. They argue a lot.
Meaning: To be involved in something which is of public importance
Example: Building business are in the eye of the storm during the crisis.
Meaning: To be a good judge for something, to be able to appreciate it.
Example: she has an eye for money, and her business is developing quickly.
Meaning: To make someone realize the truth, make someone aware of something.
Example: Your wife is lying to you, please, open your eyes.
Meaning: to be very busy
Example: I can’t help you right now. I am to my eyes in work.
Meaning: To cry a lot.
Example: She was so upset that she cried her eyes out yesterday.
Meaning: To be more difficult than it appears.
Example: Don’t underestimate this. There is more to it than meets the eye.
Meaning: To watch something or someone for very long
Example: She had her eyes glued to the TV screen for three hours.