Реализация Проекта -Итоговая Работа Толпарова Таймураза "Открытие Стиви Уандера".

Stevie Wonder, I think, is a very amazing person. He has never had a long relationship - he wrote a song about love and looking for a new source of inspiration. He was very fond of the synthesizer. He had an tremendous working ability. He worked day and night, writing hits. He has received 25 Grammy awards. And most importantly, he told himself that he was "happy, being blind!"
One day, Brian Holland was looking for young talent in Detroit. He accidentally got on a street concert by Stevie. Even without hearing a song to the end, he offered him a contract and called Stevie "Wonder." Stevie was 10...
Stevie was in the most ordinary school (after he read a few sentences). He soon earned the reputation among classmates "man-bat." After all, he was perfect to play basketball! Whether at the hearing, either by instinct, but he knew where the ball is now and where it is flying ... And he loved going to the movies because of the slightest noise could determine what happens on the screen...
In childhood he was often left alone at home. So he could walk independently.
Stevie Wonder is a great man. He lost his sight on medical error, but got a good life. His mother pushed him to the development of hearing and other senses. She taught him to “color vision”, explaining that the leaves are green, the sun is yellow, milk is white. His mother taught him, even ... read a little - not just on special books for the blind, but the usual books. Stevie’s fingers have unusual sensitivity and training have helped to touch by feel tiny particles of ink!

Обсуждение создано: Толпаров Таймураз Алексеевич , 29 Апрель 05:37
Барукин Павел Вячеславович
Tim, thanks for a fascinating tale. Indeed, the talented person-Stevie Wonder-is talented in everything. Stevie Wonder is really wonder)
Муравьева Галина Федоровна
Удивительный человек, этот Стиви Уандер - сильный, мужественный, храбрый.
I appreciate you work! great job! Keep it up!!!