Poems dedicated to Bob Marley

Guys, I suggest you should compose short poems dedicated to Bob Marley. Here are some rhymes to finish each line with:









Do your Best!!!)

Обсуждение создано: Роговская Ольга Николаевна , 27 Апрель 08:05
Козлова Карина Владимировна
oh, thanks fa lot))
Роговская Ольга Николаевна
I absolutely agree with you!))
Богданов Александр Владиславович
Both of you are FANTASTIC!!! Cool))
Козлова Карина Владимировна

His soul was white
He used to fight
Against discrimination
For his entire nation
His ideas were fresh
Without any cash
He fought for the world
It' s my own word
Саакян Ануш Гайковна
Bob Marley was between black and white
He didn't want any cruel fight
He hated every discrimination
and respected rights of evry nation
He was like a wind cool and fresh
He was a singer with no cash
He wanted to live in happy world
Where everyone understood good word
Роговская Ольга Николаевна
Sasha, good job!)
Саакян Ануш Гайковна
That's right!
Богданов Александр Владиславович
Take this one)))

There are no changes between black 'n' white
But these nations often used to fight
Our world was full of descrimanation
A lot of fools hated black-skinned nation

Now our minds need to refresh
We must clean up from a dirty cash
And Bob Marley ROCKS the whole world
"Peace 'n' Love" - IT was his word!!!