I would like to tell you about Justin Bieber. He started singing when he was 13 years old. Justin was born in Stratford, Ontario. He took part in a local singing competition called “Stratford Idol”. Bieber was only 12 and I got the second prize. He put his videos from the competition on YouTube so that his friends and family could watch them. Other people liked them too. One of the managers liked these videos. Scoter Broun saw him on YouTube and contacted his family. In October of 2008, Justin Bieber officially signed a contract between Usher and Scooter Braun. His debut album is called “My World”.

Firstly, Justin Bieber is a soul-singing phenomenon. He grew up in poverty with his mother. One day Justin’s mother was sick. Justin sang on the street for his mother to earn money for medicine.  He thinks that it made him stronger as a person, it built his character.

Secondly, he is a multi-talented boy. Justin is an actor and a singer. Bieber is also a self-taught musician who plays the drums, guitar, piano and trumpet. In addition to the music Justin is fond of sports. This is hockey, basketball, football, golf. He became the "Actor of the year" at the American Music Awards in 2010.

Thirdly, he is like a usual boy. He wants to go to college and just become a better person. He creates a section of his website, where his fans can directly transfer the money to any of the seven charitable organizations: “Pencils of Promise”, the project “Medishare for Haiti”, “a City of Hope Foundation”, “ the Make-A-Wish”,  “Boys & Girls Clubs of America”,  “Musicians On Call’,  as well as “the GRAMMY awards”. Justin loves his fans.

In conclusion, I think, that Justin will have a great future.

Обсуждение создано: Испирян Теймине Оганнесовна , 03 Апрель 01:29
Испирян Теймине Оганнесовна
Спасибо Лариса Витальевна!! Старалась!
Дубинина Лариса Витальевна
A very good essay. I like it. Thank you.
Маркелов Никита Николаевич
Милана не могла скинуть мне передала я скинул!!!!Прочитайте и прокомментируйте!)))))
Испирян Теймине Оганнесовна
Ага давайте, времени мало ещё осталось!
Шемекеева Нина Петровна
Я прочитала, всё хорошо надо ещё какие-нибудь новости скинуть! Милана там что-то интересное нашла на днях скинет!
Испирян Кристина Оганнесовна
Мммм интересно надеюсь это будет так же интересно нашим читателям!!!
Испирян Теймине Оганнесовна
Давай давай! Не помешает!
Маркелов Никита Николаевич
Всё очень нравится я щас тоже выставлю интересную информацию!!)))
Испирян Теймине Оганнесовна
Ясно! Ну какое впечатление у тебя по группе?
Маркелов Никита Николаевич
Да вот только что вступил никак зарегистрироваться не мог!