As there is usually far more information available than you require, you need to make choices about what to read and how best to use it.
- Your purpose
What do you intend to do with each piece of information?
Do you really need it?
Can you do without it?
- What you already have
Brainstorm your knowledge of the subject before you start your research, or make a list of the keywords you already know on the subject.
- Whether it is the best source
Check to see if the source is reliable , up to date, written by experts in the field, and relevant to your needs.
- Whether it is the best example
As you find more information, the latest information may be better than what you have already collected. Keep evaluating which material is the most up to date and which is the best for your purposes.
- How much you need
Usually word limits are strict. Generally, you should't write more than a few lines or a paragraph on any one example. Bear this in mind when you take notes so that you do not record more than you need. this will save you a lot of time.