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Наумов Игорь Геннадьевич

Intermediate. Eight. Te@ch3Rs h@V3 cl@ss. To keep up, American students need to learn at a rate of 2,000–3,000 words per year. Can wide reading really be enough to help students learn so many words? Yes, it can. The cumulative effects of learning from reading can be large. What kinds of reading are necessary to produce such vocabulary growth? To help students get the most out of reading, you should encourage them to read at a variety of levels—some text simply for enjoyment, which should benefit their fluency—and some text that challenges them. Many people like reading Simple Wikipedia.

You can evaluate a text you found for reading by your students with these two online tools. The Oxford 3000 Profiler will highlight the words out of their list and show you  what percentage of the words in your text are part of the Oxford 3000. The BlueCentauri writing sample analyzer calculates the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of your text. More about it, readability, and how we used it in one of our projects is here.

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