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Антонова Зоя Ивановна


  1. Напишите антонимы слов




  1. Найдите пары следующих слов






3.     Поставьте нужный глагол из двух ( be/have) и ответьте на вопросы.


·        ….she got a mother?


·        …he a teacher?


·        …. they big?


·        … we got a car?


·        … it green?


4.     Спишите предложения, используя притяжательные местоимения


§  She is my mother. …. name is Valya.


§  This is his car. It is …


§  Dasha and Masha have got a puppy. It is…


§  I have got a mobile phone. It is … .


§  You can see Mashas school bag. It is …. bag.




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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

Урок – игра по теме «Town Life. London»


(по учебнику И.Н.Верещагиной для 4 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка)

Цели урока:

  • познавательный аспект – увеличение объема знаний об особенностях культуры страны изучаемого языка; знакомство с достопримечательностями Англии;
  • развивающий аспект – развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи; развитие творческих способностей учащихся;
  • воспитательный аспект – прививать интерес к культуре Англии; воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи и внимания друг другу;

Задачи урока:

  • совершенствование речевых умений по теме;
  • совершенствование умений аудировать с целью извлечения необходимой информации; развивать умение чтения;
  • совершенствование обобщению полученных знаний.

Оборудование урока:

1. Раздаточный материал;

2. Картины с видами Лондона, Башни Лондона, Собора Святого Павла, Трафальгарской площади;

3. Карточки двух вариантов со скороговорками для формирования команд;

4. Жетоны.

Форма проведения: Соревнование между командами

Применяемая технология:

  • здоровьесберегающая технология

Метод: коммуникативный

Использование классной доски

a)    When the weather is warm, we must not storm,

     But be thankful together whatever the weather.

b)     Three grey geese in the green grass grazing

Grey were the geese and green was the grass.


«An Englishman's house is his castle»










Ход урока:

І. Организационный момент

T- Good morning, dear friends. Today the theme of our lesson is reading the text about places to visit in London. Today we shall have a competition and do different tasks in groups. But first of all let us practice our phonetics.

ІІ. Фонетическая зарядка (Т - СL)

T. – Now let us make two teams. Come to this table, take a tongue twister under the letter A or B , practice it for one minute in your groups and say it all together.

(Учащиеся выбирают скороговорку А или В и занимают места за своими столами, согласно выбранным вариантам, тренируют скороговорку и произносят ее хором, представляя свою команду)

     a)    When the weather is warm, we must not storm,

     But be thankful together whatever the weather.

b)   Three grey geese in the green grass grazing

Grey were the geese and green was the grass.

ІІІ. Разучивание стихотворения «Beaches of Mexico»

Прослушивание стихотворения

Т. – Let us listen to the third part of the poem

Тренировка в чтении стихотворения

T. – Read the poem after the announcer

Ученики читают стихотворение за диктором

T. – Read the poem to each other

Ученики читают стихотворения вполголоса друг другу

T. – Read the poem aloud , please

Ученики выразительно читают стихотворение вслух.

ІV. Знакомство с пословицей

На доске написана пословица

«An Englishman's house is his castle»

Ученики должны правильно прочитать пословицу, найти русский эквивалент ( «Мой дом – моя крепость») и выучить ее наизусть. Команда, которая первее угадывает значение пословицы, получает жетон.

V. Задание 1: ученики должны написать все три формы неправильных глаголов.

Team 1.

Be, read, learn, buy, keep, build, write

Team 2.

See, say, meet, buy, take, have, be

Задание 2: Упр. 1, стр. 185

Каждая группа составляет предложения. За каждое правильное предложение 1 жетон.

VІ. Подготовка к аудированию

Знакомство с новыми словами. На доске написаны новые слова:









Задание 3: прослушивание рассказа учителя о достопримечательностях «The Places to Visit»

VІІ. Задание 4: учитель задает каждой команде вопросы по тексту. Команда, ответившая на вопросы правильно, получает жетоны.

  1. What is the City?
  2. Do people live in the City?
  3. What was the Tower in the past?
  4. Why do people look after the ravens?
  5. What is the greatest church in London?
  6. Who built it?
  7.  Where is Trafalgar Square?
  8. Where is the National Gallery?

VІІІ. Физкультминутка

Учащиеся выполняют движения под музыку.

         Stand up, sit down

         Stand up, hands up,

         Clap your hands

         One, two, three, hop.

       Hands down, hands on hip

       Four, five, six, hop

       Seven, eight, nine , ten, stop.


ІX. Задание 5: используя упр. 13, стр. 190 учащиеся составляют план текста «The Places to Visit»

  1. London
  2. The Tower of London
  3. St. Paul¢s Cathedral
  4. Trafalgar Square


X. Задание 6: ученики получают таблички с названиями мест, которые они должны описать.

Team 1 : the City, the Tower

Team 2:  St. Paul¢s Cathedral, Trafalgar Square

На подготовку пересказа дается 5 минут. При пересказе текста учащиеся используют картины достопримечательностей Лондона. За подробный пересказ текста дается 2 жетона.

XΙ. Подведение итогов

Учитель подводит итоги и объявляет команду –победителя в соревновании.

XΙΙ. Домашнее задание

T. – Learn the poem “The Beaches of Mexico” and do ex. 11, p. 21

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

Урок в форме телевизионной программы   «Dress right »

 Written by Zoya Antonova

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний


Вид урока: беседа


Метод урока:  коммуникативный



  1. обучения: формирование знаний, умений и навыков по теме «Одежда»;


  1. воспитания: формирование взглядов, убеждений, качеств личности;


  1. развития: развитие интересов, мышления, речи, воли.

Дидактические задачи:


1)    мотивировать и стимулировать деятельность учащихся, активировать необходимые знания по теме «Одежда»;


2)    формировать новые понятия и способы действий;


3)    применять понятия и способы действий на практике.

Дидактические методы: информационно- рецептивный


Форма деятельности: беседа


Способы организации деятельности преподавателя и учащихся:  фронтальный


Оборудование урока:

  • раздаточный материал;
  • картины по теме «Одежда»;
  • презентация;
  • жетоны;
  • ИКТ.

Применяемая технология:  здоровьесберегающая


Использование классной доски:  на доске записываются новые слова по данной теме














  1. Организационный момент


T. – Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you.

P. – Good morning, good morning, good morning to you

       Good morning, good morning , we are glad to see you!

T. – Sit down. Who is on duty today?

P1—I am on duty. Today nobody is absent.

T. – Excellent. What is the weather like?

P2—The weather is sunny!

T.—Do you like sunny weather?

P3—Yes, I do. I like sunny weather!

T. – What is Akilina wearing?

P4 – She is wearing suit!

T. – How does he look in this shirt?

P5 – It looks fabulous on him.

  1. Объяснение цели


  T. -   Today we will discuss about our clothes. What kind of clothes must we wear at school and we mustn't? We are going to arrange the TV program. It is «Modern Sentence».

           Our main heroine is Akilina Rulina. She has got a problem. She doesn't know what kind of clothes will she put on at school and what kind of dresses suit her perfectly. Our task is to help her to work out these  problems. Today the defender has come. He is Sergey Ivanov. He will have his own way, also opposite the defender we can see the man, who does not agree with them. She is an adviser. She is Helen Alexandrova.


  1. Начало телевизионной программы «Модный приговор»

T. – The opponent is ready and she will begin our work.

     The opponent:  Good afternoon! I have been knowing Akilina since the first class; we know each other very well. We always play outside, do our homework together, go for a walk together and discuss our problems. Yes, she is a good girl, but she doesn't dress well. I think, all pupils must know, what kind of clothes do they wear at school, at the party and etc. For example, if we are at school we must wear our suits; if we go to visit our friends we can wear jeans, jumper, dresses and other clothes. Now I recommend you some kinds of clothes. Look at, please.  (Показывает виды одежды на проектной доске – 5, 6, 7, 8 слайды)

См. приложение 2.


Teacher:  Thank you, Helen. But now, listen to Akilina. What can you say?

Akilina:   I think, we live in 21 century and every person chooses his clothes himself. At modern schools, of course, there must be rules of free-clothes. I want to go to school in that, what I prefer. Look at my clothes, please. (9 слайд )Thanks.

IV.Обсуждение по теме «Одежда»

T. – We have heard two kinds of wearing rules. But how do you think about them, our audience?

P1: If we wear, what we want, at school, there is not a discipline there. We must wear suit at school. I agree with Helen!

P2: Yes, suits decorate us and our appearance too.

P3: We look lovely, great in suits.

P4: If we want teachers to be happily, pleased with ourselves, we must wear uniforms.

P5: We look all right in these suits.

T. - Thanks for your advice.


T. - Thanks. Let's have a rest. Let's sing a song «Clothes».

     VI.   Работа с грамматикой.

    Учащиеся повторяют ранее изученные времена  Present Simple и Present Continuous. Выполняют 6 упражнение на стр. 89.

 T. - We have heard your useful advice. Of course, they will stand us in good stead. But now let’s help Akilina to choose right clothes, what must she wear at school and musn’t.   (10 слайд) 

     VII.  Подведение итогов урока.

T.  –  Good. You are right. Now I will analyze our Lesson. Do you like it?

P. - Yes, we do.

T. – Helen, Olga, Sasha, Akilina have worked very good.  I’ll give you five. Sergey have worked good too. But he has got some mistakes in  his pronunciations. I’ll put you four.

VIII.   Домашнее  задание.

T. - Your home task is ex.9, p.89. The lesson is over. You are free. Good bye.

P. - Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна


We are on the stage

Our class


Our Boys

We Love English!!!!!!!!

6 class is putting the fairy tale "Turnip"

We love reading books very much

We are at the museum


Igor is a clever boy in our class

We are winners!!!!!

 at the English Lesson


School New Year

Zoya Ivanovna Antonova is our Enlish teacher

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

My occupations

   Hello! I am Helen Yegorova. I am only twelve years old.Now I want to tell you

about my hobby! I have got different occupations.  For example, I

love flowers very much. When I was 6, I helped my mother to grow them up.

Look at,please. You see, they are very beautiful. 



Now since 2 class I have been

attending to the study group.  We did a lot of things: cars, dolls, birds and others.

 Our teacher is Helen Veniaminovna Maximova. She teaches us to make different

things. We have got very interesting lessons.

Knitting is a very interesting occupation too. My first works are some things for

my mummy. They are  mittens, hens, the bag for her telephone.


   In addition to mug I  actively accept in the life of the school, participate in

various competitions.   December 20, in 2008,I got the certificate of research

work "For the beauty of native land" in scientific and practical Conference

"Regional reading" and recognized as the best in the nomination "One time to

see". In the regional contest "My edge in the lens" March 5,in 2009, I took 3-St


    If you want to learn  knitting a hook or do you need gifts for loved ones and for

yourself, then come and see us at the address: 1B, str. Lenin, d. Vas′kino j.   I

always glad to see you.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна




«Kitchen set»


  Written by Galya Alexandrova

  The object of this project is making some kitchen sets for our mothers  

  The problems:

--to choose a material for making the kitchen set ;

-- to work out technologies of making the kitchen set.

History of crochet. 


before at Shea eyelet era that people owned the technique of knitting in ancient time.      We appeal to

 ancient handicrafts, which is lost in the depths of history. The ancient knitted products found in the area of

 the old world, belong to a IV-V centuries, and new world (Peru)-to III century .  In 1867, William Felkin in his

 work on the history of stocking tried using more or less logical considerations show that knitting was known

during the war of Troy during the creation of Homer's "Odyssey" and only due to the inaccuracy of the

translators and writers, as well as the possible similarity of terms an substitution of the words "vâzan′e" and

"weaving". It is interesting that knitting was first male craft. Thus, in 1612, Prague čuločniki decided that,

under penalty of a gentle recovery will not accept de employed no women. Only later, when knitting

widespread, they began to focus on women.

 Who and when coined the first petel′ku, nobody knows. But it is known that this miracle was born long


Instruments and materials for our work.

   If man did not create a thread, it does not appear to be in his life hooks, needles, knitting machines. But the

 vitality and diversity of the different threads, which sew-huge. From threads, lace, cords, rope, people learned

to create excellent products. Knitting can be from any of the threads for our articles need threads thick that it

was tight and when working with hot utensil hand does not obžigalas′.  The same thickness of threads

depends on the speed of work, which is important.  Take half-woollen yarn.  Besides the abundance of flowers

at the market this thread and price available, and this is important.

Technological map

  Gloves round.  Match columns without nakida, uniformly adding each row on 8 loops.       Gloves

 rectangular. The same shops bars without nakida, but gaining the number of loops according to the width of

the future product.         Finished parts are interconnected by knitting poles without nakida. Then

 decorated with flowers as a safety line.      Adorn the front side of the embroidery.


My works

The bird*s house



      Knitting should bring only benefit, so it is important to remember: a body position when weaving was the

 Government proper. Sit back, relax, sit back, Diva's stools. Not knitting lying is bad for the view. Not knitting

a few hours in a row. Try to work no more than intermittent 2:0. Not knitting with poor lighting. The light

 should fall on the left. Hooks should be well polished and stored in a specific location. -You cannot do while

you are working sudden movements by hand with a hook-you can injure a number of sitting.


   Manual knitting is a very long-standing art born of the peculiar people thrust to beauty, to creativity.

Its origin is lost in the depths of history, but art born man will live with him forever, revealing the infinite

expanses for fantasy.  Crochet hook is very strongly influences the development of intelligence.  The child was

not even thinking in that it makes a very important gymnastics – many losing excess weight, appetite, mood,

qualitatively improved life motivation.     Our product is not only you can give, but also use the technology as

a demo.

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

My mother

Written by Helen Vasilyeva

        Let me introduce about my mother. Her name is Angela. Her surname is

Yegorova. She is thirty seven years old. She was born on 13th June.

Her adress is 11, Lenina street, Vaskino, Chuvash Republic, Russia.

         My mother is a beautiful woman. She is clever and nice. My mother is

neither tall nor small. Her eyes are blue. She is dark-haired. Her hair is brown

 and wavy. Her face is oval.

         My mother likes reading. It is her hobby. She reads a fiction, novels,

magazines, newspapers. Also she likes listening to music and cooking. She

cooks soup, chickens, cakes, salad very good.

        Angela is an insurer. She goes to work on Friday and Wednesday. She

loves her work very much. She has been working there over 10 years.


        My mother is friendly and sociable. She has got many friends. They are

from Yurmekkeykino and Vaskino. Their name”s are Irina and Taya. They love

my mother, she loves them too.

        Angela”s husband is Lyonya. They have two children: a daughter and a

son. We always help our parents. We wash dishes, water flowers, wash floor

and clean about the house. We love our mother, because she is the best!!!

I like the way you look,

I like the way you cook,

How I want to say

“Happy Mother”s day”.

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

  Sosnovskaya OOSH History

Written by Natasha Fyodorova

     In 1889  in the village of Alexandrovskoye Church a school opened where studied 10 boys from the villages of Vas′kino,  Izederkino, Pajmurzino, Rogož. The school was a two-year, studied 4 years. The school was housed in a cottage rural peasant (wood, built 1828.) with an area of 45.17 sq.m. The school taught a priest of the Church, Vladimir Gromov and one teacher. Pupils were tought  reading, writing, four actions arithmetic. The main subject was the law of God and church singing. The studies were in Chuvash language. The school children were taught almost until 10 in 1980. In 1885, a wooden building with a total area of 86.65 sq.m was built specifically for schools and apartments for teachers. After the revolution of 1917, the school was separated from the Church. In 20 years Kondratiy Trofimovich Trofimov worked as a teacher and Alexander elementary school existed until 1958. In 1912, a school opened in the village of Izederkino, later it became a branch of the Sosnovskaya eight-year schools.

The eight-year school-branch Sosnovskaya Izederkinskayâ elementary school, in 1957


In 1917/18 chetyrehletnyaya school was opened in the village of Ûrmekejkino. In the opening of the last the first Chuvash Professor Nikolai Vasilyevich Nikolsky and Ivan Dmitrievich Nikitin actively involved. The school then housed in the building Arsentiâ Terent′eviča (pâtistennyj). In 1921, Nikolai Vasilyevich Nikolsky passed one House from his garden, built by his father Vasily Nikitičem, for the school.      School opened by N.V. Nicholas I.d. Nikitin (Ivan Ûrkka) in 1919 in the village of Ûrmekejkino. Among children, Nikita and Valery Emelyanov, Vasily and Athanasius, Alexandr Ilyin, SR., Nikolai alekseev, Onufry and Victor Antonovy, Tamara semenova, Alexander and Nikolai, head of the school to time the Leontiefs. Zaytseva,the teacher was Ivan Yefimovich Ye


         The first teacher at the school was the wife of Ivan Dmitrievich Lyudmila Petrovna.

     The school has provided great assistance Nikolay Vasilyevich Nikolsky. He has always shown a special sense of sympathy, the school had teachers guidance in 1923, Ivan Dmitrievich was transferred to the parish (village) Culavac. Anastasiya Kostyantynivna and Andrey Efimovy began to work at school. In 1-2 classes  Anastasia Konstantinovna worked and in 3-4 classes Andrey Yefimovich was. Originally they were from the village of Patios. At the same time in the village of Alexandrovskoye school Church was, teacher Kondratiy Trofimovich worked (2-classroom school – 4 years)

In 1923, was organized by the pioneers organization. Andrey Yefimovich Yefimov organized by her teacher, from the village of Patios. The first pioneers were 11 pioneers pionerskogo age: Nikolaev Ivan Nikolaevich was in 1911. ILLARIONOV Ilya Bondarenko was born in 1909, d. Sosnovka, worked as the Chairman of the Vas′kinskogo Village Council, Chairman of the kolkhoz. In 1951, Mr. Chapaev. Ûrmekejkino, "Red Army" Sosnovka "Clover" d. Pajmurzino, participant of WORLD WAR II. Ivan Semenov was in d. Ûrmekejkino. Sergey Hrisanov – d. Ûrmekejkino. Mitrofan Vasiliev was in d. Pajmurzino.

Andrei Anisimov Anisimovich was  from d. Sosnovka, he was born in the village of Sosnovka in the family of a poor peasant. His parents worked at the fist of Taras. After finishing local school Andrew studied at the cabin Šumatovskoj school Âdrinskogo County. Then he went to study in Sovpartškolu, but he could not finish it. During the collectivization Andrew worked in the cottage in the village of Vas′kino, at the same time, he worked as Secretary of the Komsomol organization. One night when returning from huts – reading room he saw the light in the barn fist Taras. Suddenly he saw that the hidden cams in grain pit so as not to give it the kolkhoz. And at a meeting of members of the Komsomol Taras was the first to clean water. For Taras and his sons Chase Andrei Andrei started working in Alikovo the Division rested his way through the Pizipovskij forest Out of the Woods Andrei ran and fell. So he died. In 1964, Anisimovu A.A was opened the Obelisk. It was attended by students and teachers of our school and secondary school Âdrinskogo students of the Soviet district with history teacher Gennady F Klyuka. Old Obelisk changed to marble in 1974 year. It is located at the entrance to the old school (d. Sosnivka). In 1924, Kustarin was.  In 1932-1933 head was Kustarin. In 1934-1941 years head was  Ilya Yefimovich Yefimov. In 1941-1948 years was Ekaterina Mikhailovna, supervisors Zaitseva Pavel Vladimirovich Vladimirov (in time of war, one school year and after the war) in 1948, the school became a seven-year-old.  1948-1957 years the Director of the school Buchanan Andrei Pavlovich worked. March 1960, Petr Mikhailovich Mikhailov was. April 1, 1960-1969, August Kuzmin Ilya Egorovich was. September 1, 1960-1966 year Leonid Maximovich Maximov was. 1967 – 1989-Platonov Georgi Platonovich was. 1989 – 2009 years  Oleg Maximov was. In 2009 Fedotova Irina Petrovna is.


The school built in 1958 (d. Sosnivka)






Sosnovskaya educational and cultural center, built in 2003, as a result of the renovation of the House of culture. The building is located here.: d. Vas′kino, str.Lenina, 1-enrolled students consisting of eight villages: Vas′kino, Pajmurzino, Ûrmekejkino, Sosnovka Aleksandrovskoe, patios, Abacha, Ojkas- Izederkino. 








At the opening of the school was attended by guests: Minister of education of the Russian Federation V. Filippov, President of the Chuvash Republic N. Fyodorov, Minister of education of the Chuvash Republic Gp Chernova, Minister of culture of the Chuvash Republic Og Denisova, head of the Morgaušskogo district, Elm V.I. Chuvash Republic P.P. Davydov




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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

We are proud of our graduating students!!!

Written by Julia Fyodorova



        Yakov Anisimovich Anisimov was born on October 7, 1906, in the village of Ojkas-Abacha Toraevskoj parish (now Alexander's rural settlement) in a peasant family. When he was not yet ten years old, his parents died. Since 1920, for several years he was raised in orphanages. Here he has grown up and educated. He returned to his native village, joined the Komsomol. In 1925, James graduated in Cheboksary in oblast party school and energetically involved in the public life of his village. In 1932, he graduated from the Gorky Communist University and returned to Sundyr′. Here his nominated for party work. First Anisimov worked as an instructor of the Communist, then head of the agitmassovym Division, and in subsequent years – the second and first Secretary of the Communist Party. In 1934-1935, Anisimov served on the party to mobilize in the Red Army officers. In 1940, he was again called into the army and was appointed military Commissioner of Sundyrskogo district.  Even when pushing for the River Prut Yako was awarded the order of the star. He was in combat formations, inspired by personal example, when the fighters oprokidyvali enemy building throughout numerous Romania, Hungary and in pushing for the River Tisza. During these fights Captain Yakov Anisimov was awarded the order of the Patriotic war 1st class. In 311-OM gvardeyskiy small regiment to Anisimovu everything is treated with great respect. He was one of those officers, who typically say: ' he boldly can rely on "in battles when pushing for the river Danube and expanding the bridgehead on the right bank in the locality Èrči (Hungary) on 4 December 5, 1944, our countryman showed courage and heroic deed. He was tasked to lead an advance team.  Fighters, bolstered by their Commander, was rushed from the boats, throwing the enemy grenades, broke into the trench and engaged in hand-to-hand combat. Knocking out the enemy from the first trench, the Group began to move forward, ensuring successful landing battalion.


Petr Grigoryevich Grigoryev  (06.07.1897 – 04.08.1973) – historian, candidate of historical Sciences (1948), associate professor. Author of articles on the history of Chuvashia, Nikolai Marr's life and activity Bichurina, s.m. Mikhailova.      Pyotr Grigoryevich Grigoryev was born July 6, 1897, in the village of Pajmurzino Morgaušskogo district in a peasant family. In 1911, he enrolled to study in the preparatory class of Simbirsk Chuvash teacher's school, but because of lack of livelihood threw his studies: a long time worked as a batrakom. In 1916-1917, he fought in World War I. P.g. Grigoriev was able to study only the years of Soviet power: he studied at the Moscow Communist University of the Eastern peoples (1922-1950), then studied at the graduate school at the University (1928-1931), also worked as a teacher (1928-1933) in 1933, P.g. Grigoriev returned to Cheboksary and worked as senior researcher, Research Institute, lectured on the history of the USSR in Communist agricultural school.

 Since 1940, until retirement (1957) worked in the scientific and Research Institute. Thanks to his efforts in the Chuvash Republic was raised at a high level question research of the Chuvash literature and history annually began to historical and ethnographic expedition.      November 30, 1948, P.g. Grigoriev defended candidate's dissertation "Peasant movement among Chuvash in the second quarter of the 19th century. Famous scholars of the time, including Professor A. Yakovlev (son of I. Yakovlev), praised this work. P.g. Grigoriev was interested in the various phases of the Chuvash history, exploring them, printed articles and brochures. Of particular interest to him were the works of the great sons of the Chuvash people – N. Y. Bichurina and S.m. mikhailova, about them he printed brochures in Chuvash language.  Grigoriev took an active part in the study of the life and work of hero of the civil war V.i. Čaraeva 

 Valentina Mikhaylovna Yegorova was born February 14, 1964, in the village of Izederkino Morgaušskogo area. From 1971 to 1994 years studied at the Izederkinskoj elementary school-branch Sosnovskoj SCHOOL Morgaušskogo district, 1974 to 1979 years studied at the Sosnovskoj-year school, from 1979 to 1982 years studied in sptu-4 in Cheboksary. The school has begun to address the teacher Georgy Vasilyev. Participated in various competitions as a part of the school, such as competitions for prizes of newspapers "Sovetskaya Chuvashiya" and "the young Communist". Here its first permit-holders. In 1982, began to train the novice m. Kuznetsova. First run distance. Comply with the norm of "master of sports". In 1986, won the USSR Cup and was third at the USSR championship in cross-country.  Married, in 1987, Ruslana gave birth to a son. For the first time at the start of the Marathon was released in 1988, the first marathon abroad (in 1989) was not very successful. In 1990, at the European Championship Valentine took second place. In the Olympic team got the start after qualifying in Los Angeles. Joint path coach Kuznetsova and Yegorova to Olympic top took almost 10 years. In the spring of 1992, the native school met future anti-fascist Sosnovskaya Olympic champion with bread-and-salt, welcomed the statement made by the students of the school. Little homeland inspired by great achievement in August of that year. Valea became Champion at the XXV Olympic Games marathon (Barcelona, Spain). For great sports feat Yegorova was awarded the title of "honored master of sports of the USSR".  1995 year, winning at the World Championships in the city of Belfort, trainer of the champion became her husband Yuri Mikhailovich Yegorov.  5 times participated at the World Championships Marathon in Tokyo, won twice (1993, 1994:). In Japan, in honor of her launched sneakers "Valentina" firm "Assiks".  1996-silver medal at the XXVI Olympic Games marafonnoj distance (Atlanta, United States)

Nicolay Vasilyevich Nikolsky (1878-1991)was doctor of historical sciences, the first Chuvash scientist, Professor (1916), ethnographer, founder of the newspaper "Hypar. He was born in the village of Ûrmekejkino Morgaushskogo area in the family land surveyor. He graduated from the Šumatovskoe spiritual school Âdrinskogo district, Cheboksary spiritual school in 1899. He entered the Kazan spiritual Academy, at the same time attended lectures at the University, deepened their knowledge of Chuvash literature, history and ethnography. After graduating in 1903, the Theological Academy, our countryman ibid. began to teach Chuvash language and literature. In 1906-1910, N.V. Nicholas worked as a teacher in the Kazan teachers ' Seminary. During this time he began to collect materials for the study of the history and customs of the Chuvash people. His first scientific work "native language as an instrument of education of aliens" was published in 1904. And in 1910, he printed a great deal of work "popular education for Chuvash.

    In 1970, N.V. Nikolsky wrote and published the "Russo-Chuvash dictionary" from 640 pages. This book enjoyed by adults and children, and Chuvash and Russians.  In 1915-1929, our countryman worked as a professor at Kazan University. Our famous countryman worked much and before the revolution: he released a book on historical theme "synopsis Ethnography Chuvash" (1911), "Christianity among Chuvash Middle Volga region dating from the 16th-18th centuries".(1912) and many other works. A lot of forces exerted N.V. Nikolsky after the October revolution for training highly qualified specialists for the country, he made a great contribution and in science.

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

Vocabulary Practice for Children.

Written by Svetlana Anatolyevna Danilova


 Letters to learn:   Aa;  D d; E e; H h; N n; Pp; G g; I i; U u; O o.


REMEMBER:   a cap-      кепка;

                          a pen-       ручка;

                          a hat-        шапка, шляпа;

                          a hen-       курица;

                          a dog-       собака;

                          a pig-        свинья;

                          a gun-       ружье;

                          a cup-       чашка;

                          a bat-        летучая мышь.


READ: Утвердительные  /  отрицательные предложения.


         It is a cap. It’s a cap. This is a cap.

 /It is not a hat. It isn’t a hat. This is not a hat. This isn’t a hat./

         It is a pen. It’s  pen. This is a pen.

/It is  not a pencil. It isn’t a pencil. This is not a pencil. This isn’t a pencil./


SAY: It’s_______ .     It  isn’t _________


REMEMBER:   see- видеть.                     I can see- Я  могу  видеть.

           I see a hat.   I see a hat and a cap.

             I can see a hen. I can not see a gun.  / I can’t see a gun./

SAY:  I see _________ .  I can see _________.

             I can see ________ and ________ .

             I can not see ________ . I can’t see _______.


A rat, a bat, a cat. A bat, a cat, a rat. A pen, a hat, a cap, a pig, a gun, a cup.

A pen and a hen. A bat and a rat.  A cat and a rat. A hen, a pig and a dog.

A gun,a pen and a cup. A dog, a cat and a pig. A bat, a rat and a cat.


It’s a gun. It’s a dog. It’s a bat. It’s a rat. It is a dog. It is a bat. It is a rat.

This is a dog. This is a bat. This is a rat. This isn’t a cat. This isn’t a pig.

This isn’t a hen. This isn’t a dog. This isn’t a bat. This isn’t arat. It’s a hen.


I see a gun. I see a hen. I see a cat. I see a cup. I can see a hen. I can see a cat.

I can see a pig. I cannot see a dog. I cannot see a gun. I can not see a cup.


/ I can’t see a pig. I can’t see a gun. I can’t see a dog. I can’t see a hen. /


                             READ: Ff  Jj  Mm  Xx  Kk  Ll  Ss  Vv

REMEMBER: a box-    коробка, ящик

                        a jam-     варенье

                        a bed-     кровать

                        a fox-     лиса

                        a star-     звезда

                        a kitten-  котенок

                        a vase-    ваза

                        a lamp-   лампа

                        a bat-      летучая мышь

SAY:        I see a box and a bed.

                  I see _____and_____ .


 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelwe

  1       2      3        4       5      6      7        8        9     10     11         12

 twelve, eleven, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one

    12         11     10     9      8         7        6     5       4      3        2      1



1.Jam and a box.                               10.A dog and a fox.

2.A cat and a fox.                              11.A bed and a hat.

3.A gun and a dog,                            12.A cup and a cap.

4.One fox and one bed.                     13.One hat and one box.

5.A cat and a kitten.                          14.A star and a gun.

6.A vase and a lamp.                         15.A box and a bed.

7.A hen and a fox.                             16.A vase and a box.

8.A hat and a cap.                              17.A dog and a pig.

9.A pen and a cup.                             18.One vase and two cups.


Ten, twelve, one, eight, three, nine, eleven, five, seven, two, four, six.




 1.Ваза и чашка.                                             6.Котенок и крыса.

 2.Ружье и звездочка.                                    7.Лампа и ящик.

 3.Один, пять, восемь, шесть.                       8.Одна кошка и две крысы.

 4.Один ящик и три лампы.                           9.Одна ваза и пять чашек.

 5.Одна коробка и четыре шляпы.               10.Десять звезд.



I have a dog.                                     I have no cat.       =         I have not a cat.

Я имею=У меня есть…                  Я не имею=У меня нет…      




READ.   Qq   Ww   Yy   Zz                    Сочетание : / Wh /  ;   / qu /


REMEMBER:     a squirrel-      белка            I have-я имею / у меня есть/

                             a wolf-           волк         I have no- я не имею  /у меня          нет/ 

                             a zebra-           зебра               ….but- нет

                             a boy-             мальчик           …or--или

                             a copy- book- тетрадь

                             a spoon-          ложка


SAY:  I have a dog.             

         /I have got a dog./

           I have no squirrel.= I have not a squirrel.           


READ:   I have a dog and a cat. /I have got a dog and a cat./

               I have not a dog or a cat.= I have no dog and I have no cat.

               I have a dog, but I have no cat.  I have a dog, but I have no gun.

               I have a kitten, but I have no squirrel. I have a cup, but I have no spoon.

 I have a spoon, but I have no jam.

 I have a book, but I have no copy-book.

               I have a vase, but I have no lamp.

               I have a vase. I have five copy- books. I have no lamp. I have no pen.

               I have no lamp. / I have not a lamp./ I have no pen. /I have not a pen./



1.    У меня есть ложка, но нет тарелки.

2.    Я вижу зебру.

3.    Я вижу кошку, собаку, курицу и поросенка.

4.    Я не могу увидеть летучую мышь, белку или крысу.

5.    У меня есть кровать, ваза, ящик и чашки.

6.    У меня есть 6 кур, 2 поросенка и собака.

7.    У меня нет белки.

8.    У меня нет ручки.

9.    Я не вижу волка.

10.  Я не вижу лису.


Hello!  /Hi!/;  Good morning!/ Morning!/;  Good afternoon! /Good afternoon! /;    Good evening!  / Evening!/;   Good night!  night!/;   Good bye! /Bye!/;    Bye-bye! / Bye!/.    See you! How are   you? I’m fine. Thank you!    How are you? Fine. Thanks. And     you? Good night!  night!/;   Good bye! /Bye!/;    Bye-bye! / Bye!/.    See you!


1.Не списывай слово по буквам... Записывай слово целиком по памяти!

2.Попробуй написать слово ручкой в воздухе. Это поможет запомнить его.

3.Не забудь сверить написанное с образцом

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна




Our coordinates:

We are situated:

1-b, Lenina street, Vaskino, Morgaushi district, Chuvash Republic





There are our school, the gym, the Palace of culture, the model library, the museum by N.V. Nicolsky in the educational cultural center.



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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

My family!!!

Hello!!! I am Julia!!! I am 13.

I love English very much.

My dream is to be a translator.


 Now I want to introduce with my family!!!




This is Natasha. She is a very

creative girl. She likes dancing

, singing English songs.

Natasha and I are at the museum.








You can see my best friend in the picture.

Helen is very kind and friendly.

Her favourite subject is English!



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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

Педагогическое кредо

 "7У " Учительского успеха

1. Уверенность - знание своих прав и прав ребенка, способность защитить его.


2. Успешность - берясь за любое дело учитель должен предвидеть положительный результат, быть уверенным, что оно под силу детям.


 3. Удивительность - надо развивать в себе незаурядность, дети не любят однообразие.


4. Уважительность - необходимо взаимное уважение: уважайте мнение детей, они будут уважать ваше. Воспитание без уважения - подавление.


 5. Убедительность - уметь зажечь детские сердца, убедить их в важности любого дела.


6. Уравновешенность - в классе нужно быть готовым ко всему, к любой ситуации, уметь анализировать, сдерживать свои эмоции.


 7. Улыбчивость- чувство юмора поможет в работе. Улыбка - это и оценка, и одобрение, и подбадривание, и залог успеха.

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна
  1. Антонова Зинаида Андреевна -учитель математики, учитель первой категории 
  2. Антонова Зоя Ивановна -учитель английского языка, учитель первой категории 
  3. Белова Агелина Иосифовна - учитель начальных классов
  4. Дмитриева Нина Алексеевна- учитель русского языка и литературы,  истории
  5. Иванова Алиса Васильевна - учитель чувашского языка и литературы, учитель первой категории
  6. Максимова Елена Вениаминовна -воспитатель дошкольного обучения, учитель технологии , воспитатель, учитель первой категории.
  7. Максимова Светлана Степановна - учитель математики
  8. Максимов Олег Александрович - учитель физической культуры
  9. Никифорова Светлана Георгиевна - учитель русского языка и литературы
  10. Фёдорова Нина Максимовна - учитель начальных классов
  11. Васильева Надежда Владимировна-учитель русского языка и литературы

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Антонова Зоя Ивановна

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