School is a very important part of the life of each person because you are studying for your further occupation, there you gain some qualities which make us unique and different from others. At school you form up your lifestyle, your worldview, there you form as a person with your own qualities.
The first time we went to our lyceum we didn’t expect it to influence on us so much. We were surprised first from its appearance: it is a nice small building. We liked the way of teaching and the teachers’ attitude to us: they try to treat us as a personalities, they help us to define ourselves in this world as someone who is unique. At our lyceum we have found lots of friends, very good and reliable people we would like to say. We have made up our own, our own preferences and we have chosen our future professions. This school influenced us very much and we are thankful for it. The teachers, students and everything will be in our memory forever.
To sum up, we would like to say that this period of our life is the most important and we are very glad that it was spent at this school.
Yurkevsky A.
Shumskaya T.